vendredi 31 août 2012

New relationship - Ant

1st spread since long time.
Its a new relationship spread.

What do I bring to this relation? Ace/Queen of cup: Emotion
What does he bring to this relation? Knight of pentacle: A protection, a "pentacle"
WHat will I feel: 2 of cups reversed: " the reversed Two of Cups may be a sign that the relationship is more physical than heart-felt. It may be a fleeting affair rather than something more meaningful." (Biddy tarot) Im sure isnt a "relationship more physical" I have met many boy more handsome than him who have a nicer body. He attracted me by his kind heart, his crazy reflection, and his determintation.
I think in thats case, its better upright: "the Two of Cups is a beautiful card to have because it shows balance and emotional connection...On first glance, the Two of Cups shares a similar message to the Lovers. However, the energy of the Two of Cups is slightly weaker than the Lovers card. Where as the Lovers is the reunion of two complete beings, the Two of Cups is a less mature union that, stable as it may seem, does have the potential to come undone over a longer period of time. So, while the union is strong now, it is not clear whether the relationship shown by the Two of Cups can stand the test of time. Only the two people involved can decide that."
What will he feel: "It's possible that a romance from your past will be re-kindled. Is that really what you want? It seems that romantic relationships are not currently a priority for you right now. If your head says that you want nothing more than a romantic relationship; look at your behavior. Does it align with that analysis? In a committed relationship, you might have been moving in different directions for a while now. Make sure to make the time and effort to stay connected in order to keep the spark alive." (Psychic revelation)
 On 1st glance, he had, like me, an impression thats the hermit is suffering, and alone.He hide in the corner, scaring of something same as curious.
I hope, and I with thats he is happy. I wish by all my heart, he is and will be happy. But, we all know what the meaning of relationshop's fin
Relationship's endding; 7 sw reversed

samedi 28 juillet 2012

Where sun&moon ?

After returning from the vacation, when I was arranging my bagages, I realize thats sun&moon deck was lost ....I really love this deck..... She's cute like my small lovely sister....
My friend told me thats I go to ask an another deck to know where is she and how to get her back.
I know a speard cant get my deck back. But, at last, it will make me less worry.

Here my free spread:

3 pentacles - aces swords reversed - 8 wands reversed - 9 swords - death

jeudi 19 juillet 2012

Hidden Sorrow Spread

 Prepare: Sandal wood incense
Tarot deck used: sun&moon



1. What is your Regret, your Loss -- what or who did it involve?
seven of pentacle - failure
2. What was the Mistake you made?
six of wands reversed - victory

3. How do you Positively deal with this in current day-to-day life?
Princess of wand

4. How do you Negatively deal with this in current day-to-day life?
King of cup

5. How does this mistake/loss/regret Manifest in current da y-to-day life?
The lovers

6. Who or what is really Responsible for this?
Two of wands

7. How do you Move Forward from this?
Five of cups _ disapoint
I dont accept this card so I just drew a new one: the hermit reversed

Honestly, *chuckle* at 1st lock, I was shocked.
My regret is a "failure", and a mistake I made is a "victory reversed". Quite interesting !
The Seven of Pentacles indicates that if you have been working really hard or putting in extra effort into something, Sometimes, however, the Seven of Pentacles can denote frustration. The Seven of Pentacles may therefore represent fear of failure, delays and frustration.
In this card, I see a girl, a little girl in the red skirt who draw carefully 7 circle on the sand, under the marmalade sky, I feel like, the sunset. In the spacious desert, she draw lonely. (What is she trying to do? Why she doesnt step out of the seven circles and go somewhere) Look like, she forgot all the world.

The downside to the Six of Wands is that it can also bring self-importance, arrogance and egotistical behaviours. With victory you may come to think that nobody can be better than you and you end up with an inflated ego and a big head
I have a 2nd girl, dressing in red dancing under the empty sky. Her head leans on her arm. Is her dance, or she is tired? 5 torchs around and the 6th in her hand, is her dance, or a SOS'sign? On the peak alone, is she dance or she wanna jump?

So, I concentatred too much ona victory. I have been working so hard to get it, I even forgot everything else. But, in the end, subconsciously I accepted my failure which eventually become a frustration.Confronting my inner obstacles, I realize my fear and try to escape it (princess of wands, flying from the fire, with a flower in a hand under the star sky, this card recalls me a death-rebith card)

On opposite, The king of cups as a "Negatively deal with the regret in current day-to-day life" A king of cup, normally is a kind man, emotional balance and control, generosity. BIddy descript him as "the King of Cups expresses much more restraint in his emotional state. He is a master of his own feelings, and remains in control of his emotions. Not to say that he represses those feelings and sentiments" So, my fear of faillure make me repress my own emotion(quite right !) Then, I lose "the lovers" cards: My family, my friend, my hobbit (still have LoL), my victory's desire .... What is live when love lefted? Exist :)

A real responsible for this, is a guy in Yin and Yang dress with the 2 clubs in his hands. Face the fire wall, I still dont understand why is a dominion card. The only things I know, the dominating is solitary. I dont really get what the meaning of this card on this case, so I drew 2 more cards: Queen of wand then Seven of sword _ futility

Quite a confusing combo -_-

Then, how to get out of thats situation I got the hermit card + four swords cards. So clear, I need to take my time, to rest, needing to be alone, need "thinking things over, focusing inward, concentrating less on the senses, quieting yourself, looking for answers within, needing to understand"...


But hell, about what???? 

mercredi 18 juillet 2012

[SPREAD] Logical Level Tarot Spread

tôi đang sống trong môi trường Queen of wand  cư xử như là  six of sword sử dụng khả năng queen of pentacle với niềm tin bất diệt là the high priestess , tôi vẫn nghĩ mình là the chariot  nhưng thực ra là wheel of fortune, nỗi sợ của tôi là the moon, cách khắc phục là seven of sword